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The department is responsible for study, translation and publication of written monuments of the Eastern peoples. Fundamental studies in textual criticism are related to the name of Academician A.A.Alizadeh. The department “Source study, analysis of written monuments and their publication” was set up in 1958 under The İnstitute of Oriental Studies under the leadership of Acad.A.A.Alizadeh. Researchers of the department explored literary monuments of the East, particularly, they created a new period in the publication of Persian-language monuments. The period saw the publication of research papers-critical texts of medieval authors. Worthy of mentioning is a creative writing of Fazlullah Rashidaddin and his “Jami at-tavari”. The first part of the second volume and the third volume of the work was developed by A.A.Alizadeh; the first part of the second volume were explored and published by other researchers of the department.
Acad.A.Alizadeh took an active part in preparing research papers-critical text of Mohammad Ibn Hindushah Nakhchivani’s “Dastur al-kitab fitayin al-martib”. In 1997, for services in preparing a text of “Dastur al-kitab fitayin almartib” he was awarded a state prize of the Azerbaijan SSR.
Department researchers translated and published numerous Persian-language medieval texts. This includes Azerbaijani historian Bakr-al-Kutbi al-Ahari’s “Tarihesheyx Uveys”. This work was translated into Azeri and Russian by M.D.Kazymov and V.R.Piriyev on the basis of a single manuscript copy currently kept at a library of Leyden University. The same authors translated two more manuscripts devoted to the historical events of the 14 century, as well as to Azerbaijan and neighboring countries. The point is about medieval historian, geographer and statesman Hamdullah Mustovfi Qazvini’s “Zeyle-tarihi-qozide” and his son Zeyneddin’s “Zeyle-tarihe-qozide”.
The department is also engaged in exploring another Persian-language work by Abdi bey Shirazi’s “Takmilat al-ahbar”. The work was written in Ardabil in 1570 to describe historical events prior to this period. It was PhD in Philology A.Rahimov who translated and gave his comments to the work. The department is also engaged in translating Turkish-language historical sources. It was efforts of Acad.Z.M.Buniyadov and PhD in History H.Mamedov that made it possible to analyzing, interpreting and translating into Azeri books of records of Irevan, Nakhchivan and Ganja-Qarabag provinces. At present, explorations on the subject are carried out by Correspondent Member of ANAS Sh.Mustafayev. Thus, he translated from Ottoman Turkish into Azeri and later published “Book of records of Tiflis province” and “Book of records of Lori province”. PhD student of the department A.Arykly translated and published “Book of records of Ardebil district”.
Together with preparing and translating critical and historical texts, researchers of the Institute are engaged in studying literary monuments of oriental peoples. The researchers carried out a lot of work to study numerous writings of Oriental literary men of genius. Worthy of mentioning is Nizami Ganjavi’s “Hamsa”. Three of “Hamsa” texts “Mahzan-ul-asrar”, “Haft peykar” and “Sharafnameh” have been compiled by researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies.
As it known, Nizami’s “Hamsa” was followed by some hundreds of imitations of poets from different countries in different languages. These include Amir Khosrov Dahlavi, Khaja Kirmani, Alishir Navai, Abdullah Hatifi, Abdurrahman Jami, and Mohammad Fuzuli. Thus, Doctor of Philology T.Magerramov, using eight and more manuscripts of Amir Khosrov’s poems “Majnun va Leyli” and “Matlaul-anvar”, compiled research papers-critical texts and published it. Besides, T.Magerramov prepared for the press a research paperscritical text of the famous Azerbaijani “Hamsa”; wrote a monograph about life and creative work of this author. Another famous Azerbaijani poet Jamali Tabrizi wrote five poems to imitate a contemporary of Ashraf Maragayi, Nizami’s “Hamsa”. A single manuscript copy of Jamali Tabrizi’s “Hamsa” is kept at “India” office library in London. One of the texts of poet’s poem – “Haft ovrang” was mentioned in a monograph by M.Kazimov “A creative heritage of Jamali Tabrizi”.
A.Rahimov is making a great contribution to the publication of writings of Nizami followers. For a long period of time, he has been studying the Creative work of Azerbaijani Persian-language poet of the 16 century Abdi-bey Shirazi. As a result, ten poems by Abdi-bey Shirazi were published. Also, A.Rahimov published an important research on the 14 century Persian-language literature “Divan” by Azerbaijani poet Badr Shirvani.
A research paper devoted to the translation of Persian-language classic poets was carried out by Doctor of Philology A.Jafar. In strict compliance with original poetic rhythm (vazn), A.Jafar translated Omar Khayam, S.Ruba’i into Azeri.
Translation of written sources at the Institute of Oriental Studies covers history, literature, Philosophy, geography, language, etc. It should be noted that a great portion of sources, including Sufi monuments, have been translated from original language into Azeri for the first time. Thus, three writings of the 11-13 centuries pertaining to Persian-language Sufi prose with comments were published in 2001. Abdullah Ansari’s “Minajat”, Najmeddin Razi’s “Love and Mind” risale and Fahraddin Iraqi’s “Lamaat” with an introductory word and comments were translated by M.D.Kazymov.
An important medieval monument on Philosophy of Azerbaijan “Haft janan” was authored by famous poet and thinker of the 16-17 centuries Yusif N.Qarabaqi. Annotated translated of the monument was carried out by M.Mamedli on the basis of a manuscript copy currently kept at the Saltykov-Shedrin library of Sankt-Petersburg.
Nasis Khosrov’s “Safar-nameh” is reputed to be an East’s first prose monument of the 11 century to sum up historical, geographical, religious and literary sources. The work came as a result of 7-year travels of the author across Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Asia Minor and Arab countries. “Safarnameh” is a detailed and reliable source on great names of history, state, science, poetry, as well as on everyday life, spirituality, traditions, religions, languages, cultures, architecture, nature, etc. of the peoples of Asia and Africa. “Safarnameh” was translated into Azeri by T.Mamedov.
Greatly contributing to the research papers achievements of the Institute of Oriental Studies are works of linguists-experts in textual criticism. Thus, a research papers-critical text of the Persian-Turkish dictionary “as-Sihah al-ajamiya” by Fakhraddin Hindushah Nakchivani was compiled and published by PhD in Philology J.Sadigova and PhD in Philology T.Aleskerova. “As-Sihah al-ajamiya” was honored with H.Z.Tagiyeva Prize in 1994.
A new contribution to the History of Turcology is a pearl of the Azerbaijani language “Tohfeyi-Husam” by Husamaddin Khoyi, talented Azerbaijani poet of the 13 century whose poetical writing above has for centuries been considered lost and suddenly discovered by researchers. A research paper on critical text of this versified dictionary was prepared and published in 1996 by researchers above on the basis of manuscript copies kept at the “Dar al-Kutub” library in Cairo and a copy from Berlin.
Head of the department, PhD in Philology, Prof. M.D.Kazimov is noted for his studies in Persian-language literature, comparative literary criticism, Nizami studies, source study; a leading specialist. Worthy of this is his contribution to the study of medieval creative styles; correlation between normativeness am and creative individuality; genre system of the Oriental literature; fundamental questions of poetics. The researcher examined writings of poets and thinkers not only from Iran but Azerbaijan, India, Afghanistan and other countries. M.Kazimov was the first to acquaint the research papers community with writings of Jamali Tabrizi, Ruhulamin Shahristani, Ahmad Dehtar, etc.
Prof.M.D.Kazimov applied great efforts to identify topology of genre forms of the region in question. Also, he retraced mutual impact and ties of literatures, influence of creative activity of the poet on the epoch and poetic heritage of subsequent generations of men of letters. The researcher identified genesis of some famous plots, similar and dissimilar features of authors’ individual style.
A special emphasis in M.Kazimov’s research papers activity is laid on problems of Nizami studies. The researcher analyzed literary heritage of Nizami and his followers, traced back Nizami’s role in the Oriental literature and culture in terms of history and art milieum, studied various aspects of Nizami’s poetic school, revealed the nature of nazire and its aesthetic and philosophical principles.
It should be recalled that M.D.Kazimov is an author of 11 books and above 120 articles. These include monographs “Nizami’s “Haft peykar” and the tradition of nazire in the Persian-language literature of the 14-16 centuries”, “Nizami’s followers”, “Poetic heritage of Jamali Tabrizi”, “Seven centuries of the Persian-language literature”.
PhD in Philology L.Aliyeva translated a monograph “Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani’s “Haridatu-l-asr va jaridatu-l-gasr” as a monument of Arabic-Moslem culture of the 12 century”; collected articles titled “Qade as-Sammani’s “There is no sea in Beyrut”, as well as collected articles by Ibrahim Sidqi. The research made numerous reports at international research papers conferences in Rumania, Hungary, Turkey; published above 30 articles. At present, the research is toiling at a doctoral thesis “The Arab Resistance Literature”. Also, L.Aliyeva is a responsible secretary of collected articles “Questions of Oriental Philology”.
PhD in Philology A.Alizadeh is an author of 2-volume “Arabic-Azeri Dictionary” and a monograph “Faridaddin Attar’s “Tazkiratul-ovliya” as a source of Persian-language Sufi literature”. Besides, the researcher translated several books, including a 3-volume edition of Mohammad Sadiq Sadr Imam Mehdi; a writing of Faridaddin Attar “Tazkiratul-ovliya”, etc. The researcher is an author of above 30 research papers, took part in research papers conferences held in Iran and Turkey.
Junior researcher I.Qasymly analyzed, transliterated and finally translated into modern Azeri Turkic a writing of Ali ibn Huseyn al-Amasi Aladdin Chelebi (15 century) titled “Taji-Adab”; prepared “Turkic-origin words”, “Dictionary of Arabic-Persian origin words”, presented it for the press I.Qasymly is an author of 10 articles and 5 theses. At present, the researcher is toiling at a manuscript copy of the great Turkish thinker of the 14 century Ashyg Pasha’s “Qaribnameh” (12,000 beyts).
Junior researcher L.M.Huseynova is engaged in studying an anthology of the 10-11 centuries, Abu Mansur as-Sa’alibi’s “Yetimatud-dahr”. In 2007, “Abu Mansur as-Sa’alibi’s “Yetimatud-dahr anthology as a source of Arab-language Azerbaijani and Iranian poets of the 10-11 centuries” was approved as L.Huseynova’s dissertation theme. Author of 10 articles and 5 theses.
Junior researcher P.E.Aghayev is busy with translating Imadaddin Isfahani’s “Haridatu Al-Qasr and Jaridatu Al-Asr” author of 10 research papers, 1 thesis and participant of the three international conferences.